flume agent任务失败

flume agent任务失败


PriviledgedActionException as:hadoop@xxxxx.COM (auth:KERBEROS) cause:java.io.IOException: Couldn't setup connection for hadoop@xxxxx.COM to xxx-nn-02.xxxxx.com/
06 Jul 2017 06:39:23,507 INFO [hdfs-sink1-call-runner-5] (org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler.invoke:148) - Exception while invoking create of class ClientNamenodeProtocolTranslatorPB over xxx-nn-02.xxxxx.com/ after 1 fail over attempts. Trying to fail over immediately.
java.io.IOException: Failed on local exception: java.io.IOException: Couldn't setup connection for hadoop@xxxxx.COM to xxx-nn-02.xxxxx.com/; Host Details : local host is: "xxx-dn-101.xxxxx.com/"; destination host is: "xxx-nn-02.xxxxx.com":8020;
Unable to close file because the last block des not have enough number of replicas.


The flume agents went in OutOfMemoryError (unable to create new native thread) and the impact on the hdfs had been the error posted above

hadoop-datanode1:50010ataXceiver error processing WRITE_BLOCK operation
运行mapreduce程序在reduce阶段时出现错误提示: Unable to close file because the last block does not have enough number of replicas.

jmap -heap pid 查看java进程内存使用情况